Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
I enjoyed this novel a lot. Yes I do have a thing for bad boys and Travis fits that category. I finished this book in one day, was not all light and fun, there are some intense and strong moments. It is really underneath all that violence and roughness a romance like all other. Boy meets girl, boy screws up, girl leave boy, boy is sorry, girl do not forgive him, boy tries to move on, girl realise she loves boy, boy and girl get back together. But it have a twist and turn here and there. I love romance and I enjoyed this book.
It is more than just a teenage romance... The two MC don't just sleep together on the first night and fall in love with each other, they build trust and over a long period of time and in the end it was the trust that had a crack and it was trust and love for each other in the end that made them as a couple possible.
I think every girl wants a Travis, I know that I won't mind one ;)
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